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Staff guide to the library : Student Support

Study Skills Support

The library team is here to assist your students with study skills sessions that cover:

  • Academic writing
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Research techniques
  • Referencing guidelines
  • Time management strategies
  • Proofreading 
  • And more!

Connect with your library team to schedule sessions for your students. Alternatively, students have the option to book a one-on-one study skills session.

Subject Guides

The library team has developed a comprehensive subject guide for all curriculum areas. This guide features links to the most relevant resources, including new books, journals, and much more.

UCEN ManchesterThe Manchester College

If you have any suggestions or changes for your subject guide, please contact your library team or email:

IT Support

Explore our IT guides for detailed information on how students can log into a computer and access the Wi-Fi.

Get Free Microsoft Office 365 - IT Help guides - TMC Library at The Manchester College

Proofreading - Student Assignments

We can proofread up to 2000 words for each piece of work you submit. If you submit something with a higher word count than this, we will read up to the 2000 word mark, and will provide feedback for that section only.

We hope that our feedback will be clear enough for you to replicate in the rest of your work, and in any other assignments.

Kindly allow up to one week for us to return your proofreading to you.

Need Help?

If you need a quick chat about library resources please click on the 'Need Help?' tab to the right and speak to a member of the library team.

 Alternatively, you can: 

  Contact us by Telephone:

0161 674 1021

See FAQs for more help

IT Support

Did You Know? your students can manage their network account at any time by using the password reset tool, follow the link or scan the QR code -  Microsoft Online Password Reset